SBL Acid Nitricum Dilution 12 CH 1

SBL Acid Nitricum Dilution 12 CH


Offer: 4%


PACKING->30 ml Dilution per pack_COMPANY->SBL Pvt Ltd

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Acid Nitricum Dilution 12 CH
This remedy is prepared from chemical i.e. Nitric acid. It is used for Fissures, piles, ulcers in mouth, recurrent cough and cold and kidney stones. All complaints increase while riding in carriages.


Irritable, angry, aggressive, for sleep loss while caring for loved ones.


Headache from pressure of hat; full feeling; worse from street noises.

Hair falls out. Scalp sensitive.


Sneezing, allergy
Running nose
Bleeding from nose
Recurrent cold &cough


Ulcers all over roof of mouth with splinterlike pains
Bleeding from gums
Increased saliva production with blood in it
Clean tongue and loose gums (scurvy)


Burning in stomach
Increased hunger especially for fatty foods and salt


Fissure, very painful, sticking pains as if splinters were inside the rectum
Constipationpassing stool with great pain
Piles bleeding with pain
Pain after passing stools as if rectum was torn


Reduced quantity
Burning while passing urine
Smells like horse’s urine
Kidney stone


Warts bleed on washing looks like raw flesh
Ulcers, bleeding on touch

Dose: As prescribed by the physician. Can be taken with Allopathic medicines

Precautions: Precautions: Maintain half an hour gap between food/drink/any other medicines and homeopathic medicine.
Avoid any strong smell in the mouth while taking medicine e.g. camphor, garlic, onion, coffee, hing.

Side Effects: None reported
