SBL Acid Chrysophanicum Dilution 6 CH 1

SBL Acid Chrysophanicum Dilution 6 CH


Offer: 4%


PACKING->30 ml Dilution per pack_COMPANY->SBL Pvt Ltd

Qty - +

Acid Chrysophanicum Dilution 6 CH
Acts as a powerful irritant of the skin and used successfully in skin diseases especially in ringworm, psoriasis, herpes tonsurans acne rosacea. Vesicular or squamous lesions, associated with foul smelling discharge and crust formation, tending to become confluent and to give the appearance of a single crust covering the entire area

Violent itching, thighs, legs, and ears. Dry, scaly eruption, especially around eyes and ears, scabs with pus underneath

Eyes– Blepharitis, conjunctivitis keratitis. Intense photophobia. Optical hyperæsthesia.

Ears– Eczema behind ears. Filthy, scabby condition with tendency to form thick crust. Whole ear and surrounding tissue appears to be one scab.”
