Rootz Hair Oil
Rootz Hair Oil 100 ML details –
Chameli pan (Chetika)(Jasminumofficnale)
Brahmi (Bacopamonnieri)
Tee tree Oil(Kajuput)
Elaychi (Sukshma) (Elettaria cardamom)
Vitamin E
Jatamanshi (Jatamansi)
Neem (Seed) (AzadirachtaIndica)
Henna leaf( Lawsonia alba)
Alma (Fruit)(Emblicaofficinalis)
Harad (Fruit)(Terminaliachebula)
Beheda (Fruit)(Terminaliabelerica)
Chanothi (Krishnala)(Abrusprecatorius)
Dhatura (Mahamohi)(Dhaturametel)
Gali pan (Kalkasi) (Indigoferatinctoria)
Indravama (Gavakshi)(Citrulluscolocynthis)
Karanj seed (Chirbilvak)(Pongamiaglabra)
Mandur (Sinhan) (Ferriperoxidumrubrum)
Akkar Kara (Anacycluscalamus)
Vach (Jatila)(Accruscalamus)
Dugdha,Triticum aestivum,Citrus Limonum,
Sesamumindicum, Food grade colour-qs,Sughandhitdrabya-qs,
Vegetable oil(Sesamumindicum oil, Helianthus annuus oil,
Linumusitatissimum oil)qs,
Brahmi is also added to work as a tonic that clears out impurities in the scalp. This is used to lighten and clear out bacteria from the hair and scalp. The hair loss treatment oil improves hair growth and will control dandruff before it can get worse. It also allows blood to move into the hair follicles, thus strengthening the follicles and improving blood flow. This should be used as a standard hair oil and should be gently applied onto the scalp.
Rootz Hair Oil nourishes hair root and scalp. It improves blood circulation to hair follicle, stimulates hair growth, checks hairloss (Alopecia), arrests dandruff.
Rootz Hair Oil 100 ML
The medicine is manufactured by the following companies
Apple Therapeutics Pvt Ltd
Dosage Information
Please consult your Doctors
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