I KNOW OVULATION KIT Piramal Healthcare

I Know Ovulation Test Kit – Piramal Healthcare Limited


FORM – 1 packet ( complete kit )

COMPOSITION – 5 Ovulation strips/Test device
Disposable dropper
Instruction leaflet

COMPANY NAME – Piramal Healthcare Limited

Qty - +

I Know Ovulation Test Kit DETAILS –

In 28 days menstural cycle of female there are 2 most fertile days for a female. In these 2 days the female body is prepared to conceive a baby and the female hormone levels are at their optimum levels to facilitate the entire process.
I know Ovulation strip help you to know the 2 most fertile days of the month to plan your pregnancy.
I know Ovulation Strip detects the level of Luteinizing hormone (female hormone), in the urine telling you that ovulation is likely to occur in next 24-48 hours.

When can i use?
The best time to take the i know ovulation test should be around the noon. This is because LH will be synthesized in a women’s body in mornings thus making it convenient to show up in the afternoon via the urine. Try avoiding to take the in early morning and early in a day as it is not suggested.

How can i use I Know ovulation kit?

The pack contains of 5 one time use strips.
1. Just add 4 to 5 drops of urine in the round window of the test kit.
2. The results will be immediately generated within 3 to 5 minutes.
3. In the ovulation test kit display if the line T is ligher of the line T is not displayed than the result is negative.
4. And If the line T is darker than the line C then the result is positive.

What to do with the results:

Positive :- You may ovulate in the next 24 to 48 hours.
Negative :- The Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in your body released may not be detected. You should continue testing regularly on the same time on the subsequent days.

The I KnowOvulation test kit is a easiest way to know the Ovulation period for a women. It detects the 2 days of the month where the chances of ovulation are high for a women. The pack contains 5 single use strips..

The I Know ovulation test kit is an easy method to determine the ovulation period in a month. The fertile period is the 2 days of a month where the chances of ovulation are high. Women who are longing to be conceived, this is the best chance to test for the ovulation.

Is it safe?

Yes, the i know ovulation test kit is a one-step rapid test for the detection of ovulation and is completely safe and secure.

Is it Accurate?
The results obtained in the i-sure ovulation test kit are 99.9% accurate.

How many strips are there in I know ovulation kit
There will be 5 strips in total.

I know Ovulation Strip Kit consists of:
5 Ovulation strips/Test device
Disposable dropper
Instruction leaflet

I Know Ovulation Test Kit
The medicine is manufactured by the following companies
Piramal Healthcare Limited

usage Information
Please consult your Doctor.

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