Warning signs of appendicitis you shouldn’t ignore
Appendicitis pain can get worse even with a slightest movement and can get unbearable. Fever, nausea, vomiting can accompany the pain and make the life of a patient worse. Here are the warning signs you shouldn’t ignore.
Appendicitis, the inflammation of appendix, that causes debilitating pain in lower abdomen is a much-dreaded condition that requires one to undergo surgery as early as possible for treatment. Appendicitis pain can get worse even with a slightest movement and can get unbearable. Fever, nausea, vomiting can accompany the pain and make the life of a patient worse.
Appendix basically is a small pouch like structure in the large intestine in the right lower area of the abdomen and doesn’t seem to have any known primary function. In case of appendicitis, the organ is surgically removed although it doesn’t affect your life in any way post the surgery. Rarely, if left untreated, appendix can also rupture in the abdomen and this can be quite serious requiring immediate surgery.
“Cause of appendicitis is still not known clearly, however, it may happen due to obstruction of the lumen of the appendix with a fecolith (hardened stools), worms, narrowing or inadvertent use of purgatives,” says Dr. Aparna Govil Bhasker, Laparoscopic and bariatric surgeon, Saifee Hospital, Apollo Spectra, Namaha and Currae Hospitals, Mumbai.
Common symptoms of acute appendicitis
In acute appendicitis, abdominal pain commonly starts near the navel and after a few hours shifts to the right lower abdomen. Pain can be severe in intensity and colicky in nature.
* Pain is usually accompanied with nausea and vomiting.
* Fever is almost always present in acute appendicitis.
* Lack of appetite is one of the classic symptoms of appendicitis.
* Patients may experience constipation or diarrhoea depending on the position of the appendix in the abdomen. Along with this they may also complain of gaseousness, bloating and inability to pass gases.
* In severe cases a lump can be felt in the right lower abdomen. This happens when there is formation of an abscess of the appendix.
How is appendicitis treated
“A laparoscopic removal of appendix is usually advised in cases of acute appendicitis. Laparoscopic approach entails performing the surgery through 2 to 3 tiny sub-centimetre cuts in the lower abdomen through which the entire surgery can be performed. Laparoscopy leads to lesser pain, early recovery and early return to work,” says Dr Bhasker.
Removal of the appendix does not have any long-term implications in most people. One can lead a healthy life after an appendicectomy.
Do not ignore severe pain in abdomen and consult an expert at the earliest for timely guidance.