castophene tablet
Castophene tablet is used in the treatment and prevention of constipation. It is also used for bowel emptying before investigational procedures or surgery.
Castophene tablet is an irritant purgative that belongs to class of drugs called diphenylmethane. It works by increasing the intestinal movements, which helps in emptying the bowel contents.
Frequent urge to urinate, Abnormal urination, Abdominal pain, Allergic skin rash, Dehydration, Diarrhoea, Discoloration of urine, Altered heart rate, Loss of appetite, Muscle cramp, Weakness, Fatigue, Weight loss
The product is manufactured by the following companies
Technopharm pvt ltd
Dosage Information
Please consult your Doctors
NOTE: We can provide all the items of this company, so let us know if any other item you require from this manufacturer.
The content of the medicine mentioned here are for informational purposes only and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Before consuming this medicine, we strongly recommend you to seek the advice of a physician/ qualified Doctor first with any questions you may have regarding your health or the above medicine as consuming the medicine without consulting your Doctor may cause serious health issues
Uses, works, side effects, details in Hindi, salt information, pack information, product type are given below:-
Storage of this product:
Store this product in a cool, dry place, or else the product will not be impactful.
Using this product with other items:
Sometimes product usage is not safe when you use them with certain other products. So taking them together can cause bad side effects. – Be sure to talk to your doctor about all the items you use because prevention is better than the cure.
If the product dose missed: Take a missed dose as soon as you think about it. If it is close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your normal time. Do not take 2 doses at the same time or extra doses.
Do not change the dose or stop this drug. Talk with the doctor always for any clarification.
The content or details given are for your normal information only, if you have any further ongoing medical issues then you first always visit a doctor before consuming any such product.
Side effects
Body Pain, fever, cold, Headache, Stiffness,
Food restrictions with this product: Avoid consuming any food that is allergic to the content of this item, avoid alcohol with the usage of the item. If item application/consumption makes you feel uneasy then stop the usage of the item immediately.
NOTE: We can provide all the items of this company, so let us know if any other item you require from this manufacturer.
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